Monday, March 7, 2016

London has fallen-Movie review

Back with the success of Olympus has fallen,the makers are back with almost the same cast with the movie “London has fallen” wherein the location of mayhem is changed from America to London.The cast includes Gerard butler,Aaron,Morgan freeman.
As like the prequel,this story is again about saving the American President by his bodyguard – Secret service agent Banning.
The movie starts with a drone destroying the family of a weapon dealer  and 2 years later British PM dies under mysterious circumstances.All the world leaders including american president and his body guard reach the venue at London for the funeral and they are under attack in a large scale by the Weapon dealer in revenge for his families death.The attackers are strong and they are in large numbers and they impersonate UK police force,so its a complete ambush forprotectors.How President is protected makes the rest of the story.
The movie has not disappointed with the action scenes and action sequences are superhb. Unlike the prequel,it is very racy as the action scenes progress in the streets of london instead of in a single building of white house in the prequel.Onething which  I am not finding it logical is it so easy to attack world leaders as they seem to be so helpless in the movie.In this sequel,there are so many attackers,this movie looks like a real war movie as it is often referred that we will get the war to your place.Sometimes the movie does not look like action movie instead like a videogame especially during the last few scenes after President is kidnapped.
Overall,its full fledged action movie and will be a great treat for action movie fans.

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