Saturday, August 24, 2013


Watching Jobs ,I can recognize that this is a musical journey of the life of steve jobs.For me,pirates of silicon valley was more realistic compared to Jobs,But Jobs focussed exclusively on the life of steve jobs.most of the film was in old & each character was given life in the movie.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Arts & Crafts:Elephant

"This photo is one of my craft  made by my Grandmother.This consists of the painting on transparent A4 size plastic sheets & adding gold colour lining.."

Chicken Shawarma-An arabian food in india

"I took the photograph in a hotel in Kochi.This is chicken shawarma and it as arabian food.But famous in parts of india,escpecially in kerala.fried chicken mix with cream and vegetables gives a great taste to this snack and this is my favourite."

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What is your favourite movie of spielberg?

Almost all the movies of spielberg are my favourites.There has been spielberg movies for the past quarter of the century & I have watched each one of them.Spielberg movies has more impression from the hitchcock style of filmmaking.So I am confused to choose between 2 kind of movies speilberg makes:Adventure movies-with monsters like jaws,aliens,dinos etc..Drama movies based upon slavery,jewish ertc....But one movie which took me by amazement is Schindler's list.It was such a strong and impressive movie I have ever seen or will see in the future.

The reality of the story is portrayed with having both original story and commerciality in equal and the technicalities used in the movies is amazing.

So my favourite movie of Spielberg is Schindler's list.