Saturday, April 14, 2012

Citizen Kane is Great


In this segment I am going to talk about the movie Citizen kane which was released in the year 1941 and its based in America on the life of Willima randolph hearst.It belongs to the drama genre.Citizen kane is regarded as the great movie of all time and its being listed as no 1 in the American film institute list of best movies.It has won the academy award for screenplay but it is a  landmark movie since it has excelled with a lot and lot of uniqueness and innovation in each and every aspects involved in filmmaking whether its acting,camera movement,lighting,screenplay,dialogue delivery.Still there is no movie which has been made till date to match the inventive nature of citizen kane.

The movie starts with the death of newspaper tycoon who is supposed to the next president of united states and he says "rosebud"  before dying.A group of journalist go in trying to find a meaning for the word rosebud.This is what called as solving the puzzle type film.The puzzle was rosebud and as the movie progresses we get to know the answere to the puzzle.This is a famous technique in novels,the first para of any novel will be an attention capturing incident upon which the whole novel  runs and the reader finds the answer as the novel progresses.
As the movie progresses ,kane childhood is shown and then how he makes a famous newspaper by fighting for the rights of the people.

Different stories are puttogether by the journalist enquiring from different people related to kane.His arrogance and his compulsive love on the people makes him to lose them.He  is married  to President's niece and he loses her love after sometime.He stands for the governor post and defeated due to his exposed affair with a singer.As always, he compelled love on singer and forces her to be a singer which she cant and in the due course his long time friend jedadial also part from him.This is the same rise and fall of a man but told in a most innovative way.He is in search of something. He had everything in the world the best statues,the expensive animal,antique pieces but still he is devoid of onething that is his childhood which is shown at the end with his snowboard  written with the word rosebud.

I have to talk about the effects made in this movie.They have used all kind of tricks to make the movie visually extravagant.First scene was an elaborate scene with lot of effects t of magnanimosity of kane’s palace xanadu a man made mountain,zoo,the world expensive antique pieces.speech making scene where the crowd of people listening are made in special effects.Camera movement and lighting is extraordinary.

Dialogues are overlapping and I see this is the first and last time such type of dialogues are used.simply each and every minute of the film is designed to surprise the audience.The magnanimity of the scenes are shown by the lighting and different camera angles like focusing from the bottom.Enormous amount of make up to look the people aged.This movie has  a non linear editing style where the story is told in  a series of flashback .Overall this movie is most entertaining movie for the movie buffs but still anyone can watch as the movie keeps your attention from start to end.

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