Saturday, April 28, 2012

Social network  is about the story of the creator of facebook Mark Zuckerberg ,the creator of the  current craze in the world-facebook.Its a real life story based upon the book "Accidental billionaire" written by Ben Mezrich.
Released in the year 2010,directed by David Fincher,starring Jesse Eisenberg,Justin Timberlake,Andrew Garfield,this movie is a huge commercial and critical success and it has garnered 3 academy awards: Best screenplay,original score and film editing.
This movie is about how facebook was formed in the dorm after Mark breaks up with his girl friend.Then how he stole an idea from his friends &  developed more and converted it into  social network.How he learned to develop it all the way through his experience in his college.How the creator of Napster helped him to develop facebook.Then how he was brought into the law suit for deceiving his own friends in the making of the facebook.This movie is amazing to see the rise of mark in making up of the biggest social network website in the planet.
It had a bit of inspiration from pirates of the silicon valley but it is made in a commercial way.After Director Ron howard ,David fincher is the only person to make movies of original life stories.Right at this time,the movie was released when  facebook is in peak days,obviousy everybody would have watched this movie and obviously its going to be as superhit.Cast is selected in a way they resemble the youngest people.Jesse eisenbeg,Justin timeberlake,Andrew ,twins and all the other characters acted really well and perfect to the story.Music is excellent and goes with the movie. Screenplay is well adapted to suit the cinema audience.It has been made interesting as the whole movie is shown in flashback as the legal battle is progressing.
This movie is recommended for all drama movie fans.

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