Saturday, April 28, 2012

Social network  is about the story of the creator of facebook Mark Zuckerberg ,the creator of the  current craze in the world-facebook.Its a real life story based upon the book "Accidental billionaire" written by Ben Mezrich.
Released in the year 2010,directed by David Fincher,starring Jesse Eisenberg,Justin Timberlake,Andrew Garfield,this movie is a huge commercial and critical success and it has garnered 3 academy awards: Best screenplay,original score and film editing.
This movie is about how facebook was formed in the dorm after Mark breaks up with his girl friend.Then how he stole an idea from his friends &  developed more and converted it into  social network.How he learned to develop it all the way through his experience in his college.How the creator of Napster helped him to develop facebook.Then how he was brought into the law suit for deceiving his own friends in the making of the facebook.This movie is amazing to see the rise of mark in making up of the biggest social network website in the planet.
It had a bit of inspiration from pirates of the silicon valley but it is made in a commercial way.After Director Ron howard ,David fincher is the only person to make movies of original life stories.Right at this time,the movie was released when  facebook is in peak days,obviousy everybody would have watched this movie and obviously its going to be as superhit.Cast is selected in a way they resemble the youngest people.Jesse eisenbeg,Justin timeberlake,Andrew ,twins and all the other characters acted really well and perfect to the story.Music is excellent and goes with the movie. Screenplay is well adapted to suit the cinema audience.It has been made interesting as the whole movie is shown in flashback as the legal battle is progressing.
This movie is recommended for all drama movie fans.

Friends with Benefits

Friends with benefits-A Movie review

Same old wine in a new bottle,thats what I can say about "friends with benefits".Even the movie accepts that this same old stories are made again and again by referring to this fact in some of the scenes in this movie.
Yes,A girl breaks up with a workaholic boy,A Boy breaks up with a high spirited girl.Workaholic boy and Hi spirited girl meet each other and after sometime they started to be friends with a single benefit "Sex without any Love emotions".The movie ends whether their relationship changes into love or not.I hope you know the end of the movie by this time.
Justin timberlake and Mila kunis are excellent in their performance.The screenplay and dialogue is good.It keeps the movie entertaining to watch.The way Justin and mila analyze all along the movie about breakup,love ,relationship is a bit different and it really gives a new version of how we look at relationships.
The story does not go along between the two,it has other characters like mila's mom,justin's friend and his father and this adds up to a lot of feel good scenes to watch.
Music is lovable and this movie is much recommended for romantic movie lovers
This movie is recommended for all drama,comedy,romance fans

Saturday, April 14, 2012


"You cant handle the truth"

"Code red"

This segment is about one of the best and engaging movies I have ever watched “A few good men”.This movie is adapted from a theatre play.Normally plays don’t work for movie audience but still it has been tailor made for the movie audience with well written screenplay and an excellent cast and direction which has made it a commercial and critical success.

Released in the year 1992,Directed by Rob Reiner written by Aoron sorkin,starring tom cruise,demi moore ,jack Nicolson,Kevin bacon,it has been nominated for four academy awards but has not won any but this movie is being recognized as one of the best movies in the drama genre.

This movie is about a careless lawyer becomes serious and fights for the lives of two marines in the murder of private Santiago while executing their order from their superior to punish the private by the code called code red.The movie shifts between losing and winning the legal battle but finally whether the lawyer with his team wins the battle or not makes the end of the story.

Tom cruise is a lucky actor.An actor becomes a superstar based upon the good movies he initially gets.He is the one actor to whom the best movies are set automatically and all patriotic ones like the one born on 4th july,rain man,top gun...this all  movies are the reason for him to reach the superstardom.cast is excellent and they have made wonders in the movie.Demi moore looked great in the movie.The cast have made an excellent performance.This movie was a drama in the theater and the screenplay was made to suit the cinema audience as it is true that the drama cannot work for cinema.but still we have few scenes which works great in drama that is voice modulation,increase or decrease your voice.

Like Anthony hopkins in silence of the lambs where he comes in short time but takes away the attention of the audience and shocks them.Jack nicholson takes away the audience in the court room scene, with a splendid,amazing.Nobody can match this versatile actor.

Tom cruise plays great in first as a careless lawyer but as the story progress he becomes involved about the case and performs well in each and every scene.

The court scenes are realistic,amazing and the movie strength lies on the well coordinated fact based dialogues in the court goes with the movie not dominating the movie.

This movie is recommended for all  drama and suspense movie audience

Citizen Kane is Great


In this segment I am going to talk about the movie Citizen kane which was released in the year 1941 and its based in America on the life of Willima randolph hearst.It belongs to the drama genre.Citizen kane is regarded as the great movie of all time and its being listed as no 1 in the American film institute list of best movies.It has won the academy award for screenplay but it is a  landmark movie since it has excelled with a lot and lot of uniqueness and innovation in each and every aspects involved in filmmaking whether its acting,camera movement,lighting,screenplay,dialogue delivery.Still there is no movie which has been made till date to match the inventive nature of citizen kane.

The movie starts with the death of newspaper tycoon who is supposed to the next president of united states and he says "rosebud"  before dying.A group of journalist go in trying to find a meaning for the word rosebud.This is what called as solving the puzzle type film.The puzzle was rosebud and as the movie progresses we get to know the answere to the puzzle.This is a famous technique in novels,the first para of any novel will be an attention capturing incident upon which the whole novel  runs and the reader finds the answer as the novel progresses.
As the movie progresses ,kane childhood is shown and then how he makes a famous newspaper by fighting for the rights of the people.

Different stories are puttogether by the journalist enquiring from different people related to kane.His arrogance and his compulsive love on the people makes him to lose them.He  is married  to President's niece and he loses her love after sometime.He stands for the governor post and defeated due to his exposed affair with a singer.As always, he compelled love on singer and forces her to be a singer which she cant and in the due course his long time friend jedadial also part from him.This is the same rise and fall of a man but told in a most innovative way.He is in search of something. He had everything in the world the best statues,the expensive animal,antique pieces but still he is devoid of onething that is his childhood which is shown at the end with his snowboard  written with the word rosebud.

I have to talk about the effects made in this movie.They have used all kind of tricks to make the movie visually extravagant.First scene was an elaborate scene with lot of effects t of magnanimosity of kane’s palace xanadu a man made mountain,zoo,the world expensive antique pieces.speech making scene where the crowd of people listening are made in special effects.Camera movement and lighting is extraordinary.

Dialogues are overlapping and I see this is the first and last time such type of dialogues are used.simply each and every minute of the film is designed to surprise the audience.The magnanimity of the scenes are shown by the lighting and different camera angles like focusing from the bottom.Enormous amount of make up to look the people aged.This movie has  a non linear editing style where the story is told in  a series of flashback .Overall this movie is most entertaining movie for the movie buffs but still anyone can watch as the movie keeps your attention from start to end.